

The official Tech Fox studios Web site. Want to learn about how it all started, where we are going and what are our stats on our diffrent social media ? You have come to the right place. Here you can learn more about us but you will also find out how to contact us for future projects and collaborations.

image de Lysandre LABORDE



I started YouTube in 2016 when i was only 12, 6 years later my audience has grown to a level i never expected. What started as a hobby could one day become my job! And I work very hard for that to happen. Outside of my online activities I am a straight-A student in science. I'm currently preparing myself for my engineering selective tests to later become an aerospace engineer. I speak French, English and Spanish and I do a lot of activities such as sailing and rock climbing. I have a lot of working experience with my many partnerships and in summer jobs… In life, tech is one of my passions, and that’s why I do many videos on tech, but it’s not my only one! In fact I have many more passions and this means I can do videos on other subjects that I love like acting, humor, sports, studying, DIY, you name it. I’m open to any and all ideas of productions. Furthermore, I can also produce content in 3 different languages which can be so useful for worldwide content. Finally, in the next few years I would like to make more Youtube videos and maybe start acting............ So as you can see this is only the beginning

image de Lysandre LABORDE

About my content

I do a lot to create high quality content and I am in search of constant improvement. As such, I not only film my videos but also animate, edit, color correct them. And in recent years I have developed even more my skills. I can proudly say I have not only played in short films, but I have also made some. I also know how to use complex tools for my work like After effects for example.
